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Astra Museum will start the public acquisition procedures for the specialized equipments for Astra Centre for Heritage as soon as the interior decoration works in the building are programmed to start after the Easter holidays.
Following a study visit of a team of specialists from Astra National Museum Complex to Norway in February 2010 and consequent to their recommendations the museum will finish the acquisition list elaboration regarding the adequate endowment of the new Centre.  Based on the purpose of the room and on the specific activities to be performed inside, several types of acquisition will be taken into consideration: pieces of furniture like writing desks and working tables, specialized pieces of furniture and specialized equipment for the restoration laboratories, for the cleaning rooms and quarantine, investigation equipments, cryogenic room, interior storage systems for the storage rooms, materials and substances, IT equipment as well as equipment for the offices and conference room, equipment and accessories for the photo studio, adjoining equipment etc.
Astra Centre for Heritage will make a regional Conservation and Restoration Centre. Having in its composition the CePCoR –Conservators and Restorers Training Centre in Romania and taking profit from the bilateral relationship development with numerous centers in the field from Europe, in the new building in Dumbrava Sibiului preventive conservation activities and active restoration activities for the Open Air Museum will be performed. The building will also put at the specialists’ disposal and of those to be trained in the conservation and restoration fields a rich collection of specialized books, reading rooms and scientific reunions, a program of training courses and workshops as well as internship organization possibilities.

[7 iulie 2010] O noua vizita de studiu la muzeele din aer liber din Norvegia

[25 mai 2010] A doua vizita de studiu in Norvegia intreprinsa de specialistii Muzeului ASTRA

[17 mai 2010] Primul vernisaj al unui monument reconstruit in cadrul proiectului

[19 aprilie 2010] Vizita de monitorizare a evolutiei proiectului

[31 martie 2010] Retrospectiva primului an de implementare a proiectului cu finantare prin MFSEE

[15 martie 2010] Achizitie publica pentru dotarile de specialitate ale Centrului

[26 februarie 2010] In perioada 15 – 21 februarie, o delegatie a CNM ASTRA a intreprins o vizita de studiu la muzee din Norvegia.

[1 februarie 2010] Cele patru monumente etnografice a caror reconstructie a inceput in primul an al derularii proiectului se apropie de finalizare.

[10 sept 2009] CNM ASTRA si CJ Sibiu au placerea sa va invite sa participati vineri, 11 septembrie, la orele 13:00, la Centrul Cultural Habitus (Piaţa Mică nr. 4, subsol Biserica Romano - Catolică) la prezentarea oficială a proiectului

[1 sept. 2009] A început construcţia Centrului ASTRA pentru patrimoniu

[9 iulie 2009] Licitatie pentru construirea Centrului ASTRA pentru patrimoniu