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The reconstruction of the four ethnographic monuments which has started during the first year of the project implementation is being brought to an end.

The household of a miner- marble carver from Alun village, Hunedoara county has already been finished. In so far as the other monuments are concerned the workings restarted as soon as the weather conditions permitted. The following are concerned: the Household of a fruiter from Balanesti village, Gorj county, the House of a clothes embellishment maker from Scheii Brasovului and the Household of a miner –stone carver from Cupseni village, Maramures county. 75% of the execution works has been done at the above – mentioned monuments and it has been possible for the visitors of the Open Air Museum to watch during all the levels of the reconstruction process. After organizing the interiors with the technical instrumentation afferent to each household we can estimate their inauguration to take place during autumn this year on the 14th of September, on the occasion of the European Heritage Day. Thanks to the monuments reconstruction in the Open Air Museum, we are very close today to the finish line of a very ambitious thematic project which is to be found at the origin of the collection and exhibition organization in open air museum, of what represents today the heritage of the Museum of Traditional Folk Civilization in Romania. Due to the thematic project agreement given by the Romanian Academy, the monuments transfer and reconstruction workings have begun since 1963 them being continued until present time. The initial thematic project was about to include an impressive number of monuments – 146 thus announcing the foundation of the biggest Open Air Museum in Romania and one of the greatest in Europe. If the initial thematic project referred to the reconstruction of the above-mentioned four monuments another six monuments would make whole the collection of folk technique monuments of the Museum in Dumbrava Sibiului whose organization on thematic groups represents a particularity which makes it unique in comparison to other ethnographic open air museums. By completion of each sector the thematic project started in 1963 finds its integral form and the era of restoration and conservation begins from this point onward.

[7 iulie 2010] O noua vizita de studiu la muzeele din aer liber din Norvegia

[25 mai 2010] A doua vizita de studiu in Norvegia intreprinsa de specialistii Muzeului ASTRA

[17 mai 2010] Primul vernisaj al unui monument reconstruit in cadrul proiectului

[19 aprilie 2010] Vizita de monitorizare a evolutiei proiectului

[31 martie 2010] Retrospectiva primului an de implementare a proiectului cu finantare prin MFSEE

[15 martie 2010] Achizitie publica pentru dotarile de specialitate ale Centrului

[26 februarie 2010] In perioada 15 – 21 februarie, o delegatie a CNM ASTRA a intreprins o vizita de studiu la muzee din Norvegia.

[1 februarie 2010] Cele patru monumente etnografice a caror reconstructie a inceput in primul an al derularii proiectului se apropie de finalizare.

[10 sept 2009] CNM ASTRA si CJ Sibiu au placerea sa va invite sa participati vineri, 11 septembrie, la orele 13:00, la Centrul Cultural Habitus (Piaţa Mică nr. 4, subsol Biserica Romano - Catolică) la prezentarea oficială a proiectului

[1 sept. 2009] A început construcţia Centrului ASTRA pentru patrimoniu

[9 iulie 2009] Licitatie pentru construirea Centrului ASTRA pentru patrimoniu